Cleaner Shrimp

Product Code: Lysmata amboinensis Our Ref No : 4402
This product can only be bought in store
£29.95 Stock : 6
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Common Name: Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis/grabhami)

Maximum size:

Easy, although does not tolerate sudden changes well

Will eat most foods offered.

Not applicable, but may be more visible in aquariums that don't have intense lighting.

Water movement:
Not applicable

Peaceful, can be kept solitary or in a pair, can be kept in groups in large aquarium, but this does result in some aggression. May steal food if corals are fed large food items. Avoid keeping with large or aggressive fish that may view the shrimp as food, even Cleaner Shrimp can be eaten!

Other information:
Cleaner Shrimp are hermaphrodites, so any two individuals can mate, although raising the offspring is incredibly difficult in captivity. They will pick dead skin and large parasites from fish and its not unusual for them to clean your arm.
There are two species of Cleaner Shrimp that look very similar L. grabhami has a white line that runs all the way down its back to the tip of its tail. L. amboinensis has a break in the white line at the base of the tail. Cleaner shrimps are naturally short lived with two to three years being the average lifespan.
All marine invertebrates are currently only available for collection and payment in store. We are happy to reserve items in stock for up to 5 days. However, this will still be shown on our website until collected. Items not collected within the specified period will be offered for sale without further notice.