D-d Advanced Ato

Product Code: ADVATO Our Ref No : 11889 £99.99 Stock : 5
More From Deltec/D-D
Advanced ATO

The D-D Advanced ATO maintains the water level in your aquarium, automatically replenishing water lost through evaporation. Its main optical sensor has three detection points allowing the unit to not only control the water level at a set point but also to recognise if the water level is below or above normal, triggering an audio and visual alarm. In addition to the main optical sensor a failsafe ‘Anti Overflow’ float sensor is included that will shut down the ATO function and set of an alert when triggered.

An included auxiliary leak detector sensor can also be connected to the ATO and placed next to the sump or the aquarium alerting if any water is detected as a result of a leak or water spillage.

What's included

Advanced ATO control box with optical sensor
Float sensor
Flood detection sensor
Advanced ATO Pump
Clear hose
Siphon break
Tube holder
Low voltage power supply


Smart ATO low voltage controller
Optical sensor with 3 detection points
Backup emergency overfill float sensor
General flood detection sensor
Audible and visual alarms
4 status LEDs High / low / overfill and flood alarms
ATO pump with low-level shutoff/alarm
Automatic shutoff in all alarm states
Emergency time-out function / alarm
Magnetic sensor mounts
Secure refill tube holder


Controller dimensions 90 x 90 x 22mm
Power input 12V 1A
DC pump maximum flow rate 270 l/h
DC pump maximum head 200cm
Tube size 8mm x 11mm
Tube length 2m
Maximum glass thickness for magnet holders 10mm
Maximum glass thickness for tube holder 15mm