Worm Goby

Product Code: Pholidichthys leucotaenia Our Ref No : 3962
This product can only be bought in store
£25.00 Stock : 6
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Worm Goby (Pholidichthys leucotaenia)
AKA Engineer Goby, Convict Blenny

Maximum size:

Suggested minimum aquarium size when adult:
200 litres


Will eat frozen Mysis and Brineshrimp, will usually eat flake or pellets if they sink to the bottom

Reef safe:
Yes, but will dig, large fish may inadvertently dislodge corals, could be a threat to very small Shrimps and fish when adult.

Generally peaceful with other similar sized fish, if kept with active species, ensure enough food reaches the bottom. Mixes well with its own kind.

Other information.
When young the Worm Goby has two white stripes running along its back, as it gets older the pattern changes to a snakeskin type pattern, with a yellow tint. Can be quite secretive, but become bolder when settled, will usually be seen at feeding time. Sometimes mistaken for a Moray Eel when large.

For more information ask a member of staff in store.

This is a library photo of 6cm Worm Gobies taken at The WaterZoo, exact appearance may differ due to natural variations and lighting conditions.
Our marine fish are hand picked from TMC and rested on our premises for at least 7 days and guaranteed feeding before being offered for sale.

All marine fish are only available for collection and payment in store. We are happy to reserve a fish in stock for up to 5 days. However, this will still be shown on our website until collected. Fish not collected within the specified period will be offered for sale without further notice.