Yellow Tail Damsel

Product Code: Chrysiptera parasema Our Ref No : 4759
This product can only be bought in store
£10.95 Stock : 1
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Yellowtail Damsel (Chrysiptera parasema)

Maximum size:

Suggested minimum aquarium size when adult:
75 litres

Very easy

Will eat frozen Mysis, Brineshrimp, Plankton, will take dried foods readily.

Reef safe:
Excellent choice for the reef aquarium

One of the more peaceful damsels, avoid keeping with aggressive or boisterous fish. Can be kept in small groups if added all at the same time.

Other information.
Good fish for the beginner, colour can be highlighted by adding blue lamp to the existing lighting.

For more information ask a member of staff in store.

This is a library photo of a 3-4cm Yellowtail Damsel taken at The WaterZoo, exact appearance may differ due to natural variations and lighting conditions.
Our Damsels are hand picked from TMC and rested on our premises for at least 7 days and guaranteed feeding before being offered for sale.

All marine fish are only available for collection and payment in store. We are happy to reserve a fish in stock for up to 5 days. However, this will still be shown on our website until collected. Fish not collected within the specified period will be offered for sale without further notice.